Formed in August 2013, Gabby, Melissa, Emily, and Aidan played their first show not too long after that at Philadelphia's "First Time's a Charm" event. The goal of the event was to raise money for a PA share, and the catch? The whole event was going to feature bands playing their first show. For Melissa Brain, this was an opportunity she wasn't going to pass up. "I had played drums in the marching band and with my dad when I was younger," Melissa recalled, "And then grew up going to shows and watching my friends be in bands forever." First Time's a Charm gave Melissa the opportunity she had been looking for. "That kind of kicked me in the butt to be like, 'all right, I have to do this now.'"

Now, Marge has a few successful shows under their belts. This session was recorded in January 2014 and their first 7-song EP was released 3 months later. The EP bears the title Not Bad, exactly the kind of modest, nonchalance we've come to expect from a band who continues to describe themselves as "four girls figuring it out". With songs like these, its safe to say they're figuring things out pretty well.

1. Will I Am
2. Trading Places Starring Eddie Murphy
3. Interview
4. Raincheck
5. To-Do
6. Interview
7. BAND PICKS: Moonstruck - Trouble [Blossom]
8. BAND PICKS: Gunk - Photograph [Gradual Shove]

